Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Brotherhood: How and what it does, and why!

The Organization of Humanity : A Brotherhood .

As the "Empirical church" maybe considered the mind, it is the brotherhood that embodies the heart and therefore acts, literally as the body, in that all efforts put forth by the church are manifested by the will and effort of the members of the Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood is founded on a simple understanding : religions have served to suggest that we humankind are all Gods children. And if this is the case then we are all one family, and therefore brothers and sisters… and well… I do not know about your family, but in my family we do not let our brothers and sisters eat out of trashcans and sleep in the gutter.
The Brotherhood is dedicated to "specific" long term, and immediate goals.

(1) The Brotherhood is dedicated to ending homelessness and hunger for all humans who desire to work and prosper accordingly, even those who are less able, and those who due to depression or other such problems may find the "real world" job market un- accessible.

(2)The Brotherhood is dedicated to pooling its developed wealth and resources and using them towards constant expansion by the acquirement of housing for those old and new members who by dedicating themselves to some form of labors assures long term growth. (To include housing for the pure charity cases.)

(3) The Brotherhood is dedicated to expansively developing businesses that may serve as income sources as well as employment and training centers for member use.

(4) The Brotherhood is dedicated to the pursuit of abundant and worthwhile work, of all kinds in that it provides worth and wealth for both the whole and the individuals. With the understanding that those who maybe considered "less able" in the real world, can find a home within the brotherhood so long as they try to help out those who do go out and work. Or can regularly take part in fund raising efforts.
Those who do either work directly for the Brotherhood, or find outside income go on a 50 / 50 plan where each working member donates 50 percent of their income. In return, the Brotherhood grants them room and board as well as the shared use of some things which the church and Brotherhood may have available. Such as facilities for exercise, education, entertainment and centers for spiritual / religious enlightenment which we refer to as the Empirical Church of Humanity.

(5) The Brotherhood is dedicated to the serious long term Goal of ending homelessness, hunger and needless suffering around our own neighborhoods and around the "world."

(6) All members who would take it upon them selves to work in leadership positions must take and hold to a vow of relative poverty, to be scrutinized by the working class. The volume of developed wealth is to go specifically into pie chart division for funding various efforts. These charts cannot be changed.

(7) The Brotherhood is a serious organization with military structure, but without the push-ups, with rank representing levels of leadership, management and accountability.

(8) The Brotherhood is dedicated to the long term survival of mankind, and therefore must focus on the guaranteed survival of its members, by a constant and recycling process of food usage, capable of feeding each member for a period of no less than 17 years, any stored food before it has expired should be replaced and then distributed to the needy (a long term goal, to be undertaken when homelessness has ended).

(9) The Brotherhood is dedicated to the long term goal of continually building and launching massive deep space colony ships housing 10’s of 1000’s of people, self sustaining and capable of lasting the journey no matter how many generations it may take, to find and colonize as many new worlds, moons and star systems as may be available. (To be undertaken by each country, when poverty is ended within said country).

(10) The Brotherhood is dedicated to building Empirical churches throughout the heavens.

The short and the long term objectives of the Empirical Church ,
And how to accomplish them.

It is with an understanding that this is presented in relation to modern day southern California and the efforts which shall be put forth there, however these principles or guidelines should suffice for use in most modern towns and cities across the world generally.

It is always of the utmost importance that we are very clear about what it is that we as a group of human people are trying to do… And why?

Our Goals: First: To end all hunger, homelessness and needless suffering and to bring enlightenment and prosperity to all humankind through science. Second: To set about guaranteeing the survival of the human species, by the use of intelligent resource management, and inter / stellar colonization.

Our Reasons Why: First: When any intelligent human being reads the scriptures of the many religions, one is struck by the clarity of the concepts of love, compassion for others, of family, and sharing which abounds in page after page, and we find that Jesus speaks over and over about how we should love each other, live and work together, and care about each other as one big family, as did Moses, and Krishna, and Mohammed etc…
Second: Only an intelligent multi-million man charitable religious organization is capable of solving the worlds problems, and of building and launching deep space colonization vessels, for in such there can be no profit for the mother planet, only the loss of resources and of prime adventurous humans who leave, therefore the entire effort must be an act of love for there may never be any return on such home world investments. But the rewards may be found as the unlimited destiny of our people throughout the heavens.

Therefore it is with this reference to all the world religions that we become aware of the realization that if all of this scripture is to be believed, even a little, then clearly, God, our father in heaven, does not like for any of his children to suffer, and more importantly, it is literally the duty and job of those more fortunate to care for those who are not.

It is therefore simply a question of how? How do we go from the modern world, to a world where there is no more homelessness, or hunger, or needless suffering? Without losing any freedoms!

1) Reason tells us that it would wrong to imagine forcing our entire society to give up and or change there ways and function in a more co-operative manner, such as in communism, for do so would be likened to oppression, and such must be avoided at all times principally. However, the concept of freedom should work both ways, and allow for those of like mind to find cause to live and work together, which exists in many forms across the land, as various communes, religious communities, cults and or groups etc… Therefore, let the call go out this day to all human kind, that a new order of organization has come, its members are consider sheep as described in Matthew 25, and are divisible from the bulk of humanities goats by the simple distinction that they care, and have what can be called an overpowering compassion, which has driven them to step forward and join this organization and work together daily for what, as described by our worlds major religions, is the most holy and greatest of causes, to end hunger homelessness and needless suffering. And more so, to drive mankind forward by leaps and bounds outward into a widespread universal expansion, for such is the destiny of man, and it is our duty as Gods children to manifest it into our reality. Therefore begin with recruiting.

2) Having established a base of members to serve as management personnel it then is a simple matter to drive the work force machine consisting of humans, who due to homelessness or poverty may find refuge within the church, into a constant never ending cycle of fundraising by means of public solicitation of charitable donations, the direct marketing of goods, and the establishment of all manner of businesses maintaining all manner of services. Being of course ethically matched to the lowest price competitor. For it is not our intention to overtake any business sectors, but to establish a foothold worth on average 25 percent of the G.D.P. per sector, such that all the funds raised will serve charitable causes and the long term survival of our species. Begin the fundamental work effort of fundraising.

3) Beginning the management of people from scratch, starting with nothing, there are two approaches which seem available, and it is advised that both are pursued. First, in order to facilitate the fundraising and long term growth, it is reasonable to begin with new disciples, which may be housed under temporary status in various low cost motels/hotels, in groups and or individuals for a period of one week, or housed immediately in technically advanced camp sites located on private residential land owned by the church, serving as a transitory period where by based on ones potential, some may find continued use of motels/hotels until such time as land is acquired closer within the many city limits.
everyone takes a vow of relative poverty, and works as a volunteer and the church simply takes care of their most basic needs, and requirements, as a family would, but like tough love, each member must work, at something, there are no excuses, only opportunities, and obstacles to be over-come. From sewing clothes, to carving wood, there is always something to do, and it is important that each person does it at least 40 hours a week, or as much as they are able.

4) Members who take on management responsibilities of the various work efforts that the church may pursue, are considered Purple status, and must be promoted to an Officer ranking position, from Sergeant to General and are provided a small salary relative to that rank. Members who join the church as someone in need, yet who wish to return to the free society are considered Blue status, and go on the 50% plan, as do Purple status members. Meaning they donate 50% of their meager income back to the church, in return for the love of room and board the church shares. Blue status members are assigned officers who oversee their saving and budgeting plans in order to realistically facilitate returning to the free world as a normal working citizen. Green status members are people who simply volunteer to work for the church as and act of love, and in return the church does what it may to keep that person alive under reasonable conditions, as with small but private shelter, clothes, food and access to the many facilities that the church members may build up over time. White status members are the non-compliant, who due to craziness or laziness refuse to work, and are deemed mentally defective, and as such are not abandoned but encouraged to work, by realizing all the benefits of the church, and how it can facilitate happiness, but it is something they have to want, and thus white status members, are restricted to whatever shelters are available, and whatever meager portion of calories is allotted to them, and are constantly encouraged by purple, green and blue members to rise up to green, and by simple labors, enjoy the respect of others, and some basic comforts.
Rank and respect is given to anyone who wants it, but once they have it, they have to earn it.

5) Facilities, projects, and fundamentals : Initially, Field Management personnel shall each be in charge of a platoon of 12 humans, which shall serve as the basic core, for the exponential expansion of membership. Each platoon works as a team towards all work efforts, beginning primarily with fund-raising, growing into direct marketing, and developing simple labor based businesses to further the expansion. Each platoon shall eventually be asked to move into modest apartment style complexes acting as one of our Disciple homes, with separate rooms, with both private and communal bathrooms and kitchen facilities, with recreational quarters and shared use options such as gyms and or pools etc.
Each Platoon shall be part of a Company of 7 Platoons, and each Company shall be part of a Division of 10 Companies, and each Division shall be part of a T.S.G. (Theoretically Survivable Group) of 16 Divisions. Each T.S.G. shall be part of a Unit, consisting of 16 T.S.G. Each Unit shall be part of an Order of 16 Units. Each Order shall be part of a Whole of 100 Orders. By the time we reach an Order, all poverty should be near an end, and our stellar colonization efforts should have begun. By the time we reach a Whole, hunger, homelessness and needless suffering should all be ended. Facilities shall include but are not limited to modest residential shelter in various forms for various members, Gyms and or exercise centers, educational libraries and classrooms, laboratories and research centers, religious study and discussion halls, office / manufacturing space and entertainment centers.
As a long term project, all facilities owned by the Church and Brotherhood are to be solar powered, and all available space is to utilized in the growing of food plants for member use, which includes the long term terra-forming of the many deserts into usable fertile farmland in 10,000 square meter sections. Fund-raise, work, build, enjoy.

6) A vow of Relative Poverty must be taken and adhered to by every member without exception. Relative Poverty does not mean abject, or total poverty. It means simply that each member gives up on hopes of vast wealth, and excepts a modest lifestyle where we limit our living space based on rank and family size, practice modest consumption, seriously recycle and compost everything and make our own goods, by hand, and by machine. From clothes to metal hand tools, each T.S.G. must be fully self-sufficient and capable of all significant levels of needed manufacturing in case the rest of humanity was somehow destroyed. Thus, the strategic distribution of our complete fully functional ability is key to survival in any potential worse case scenario. Say no to greed, live well, prepare for the worst and we may survive.

7) Standards and protocols for cleanliness must be maintained at the highest levels, meaning no hand shaking, no one touches anyone unless requested, mandatory hand cleaning, air filtration for group / private environments, water filtration, laboratory standards of cleanliness in all kitchen, bathroom and farm facilities, and personal grooming is mandatory for all members. Clean white linen for everyone.
The Empirical Church of Humanity -contact: Mosheh Muhammed Al-faraj Thezion, Avatar General

To Unify religion, that it may last 10 Billion years or more.

The Empirical Church of Humanity .
A faith "in practice" following Jesus, for our God, the creator and all mighty lord of all the boundless heavens…
The church is fundamentally founded on one belief that should be acceptable to people of all faiths and cultures. "Where there is charity and love, God is there!" Such that it should be the daily effort of all humanity to, by their will and effort commit acts of charity and love when ever possible, for in doing so we increase the level of good and joy and prosperity in our world, and so, it can be imagined that the level of Gods presence is directly increased, and is thus directly a function of our will to be Godly.
Today, we see a world full of religions, all of which preach the words of doing good, and yet all across the world we see churches and temples dedicated to their own glory, with homeless people living right outside their doors. Yet, of course there are many positive works, but still, even today in our modern world, the problem is not solved, in fact, it grows each day, as preachers dare to say its not their job to save the flesh, only the souls. We have all kinds of religions, religions that preach, pray and worship, but where is the one that truly cares? And is dedicated first and foremost to caring? Caring the way Jesus told us to care? We do not have to lay it all out here in this paper because you All know exactly what we are talking about.
You cannot claim to be a "Christian" (orthodox or not) and ignore the words of Jesus.
Therefore, this church and Brotherhood have been established as an act of charity and love.
What has been missing, is the "intrinsic" understanding of family, where in we all work together as a family, and pool our money for the benefit of the whole. Where we are all permanent members so long as we do our share… Or in the case of the disabled… That they try. Like true brothers and sisters, we take care of each other. Each of us.. Each day… That is what all people want…. Family… Security… To belong to something good, and greater than themselves… Something Important… Something that Matters. They need love. The love of family. The love that humanity, as a family under God should be showing to them… These are simple Christian concepts which no one can deny, yet most find impossible to make workable. All it requires is faith. A faith not specifically in any form of religion, but in realizing that each of us is more valuable than all the gold within all of space, for it is only our souls which may have value to God and be preserved forever, and it should be our duty to insure that each and every soul has as many good memories as possible before death takes them, and as few cold lonely sad painful moments as possible. Thus, the overall quality of our souls is improved.
It is a simple matter of numbers… and if you ask any person, they will realize the immense possibilities which would exist in the Brotherhood…. 1000 people working minimum wage at 50 percent, would generate 400,000 dollars a month for the Brotherhood and allow each person to save up to 4,800 dollars a year…And when it has grown, and all the homeless have been helped in every city across America, it will act as a cushion for all our brothers, who may fall for whatever reason…. And never again will children, women, or men live in the streets again… For always there will be the Brotherhood dedicated to giving them love and hope and work.
Whenever a human falls, humanity in brotherhood should be there to pick them up again…
The Brotherhood will never offer luxurious houses, or ridiculously spacious apartments, but it will provide reasonable housing to all, in levels in proportion to ones dedication and regular effort, with considerations for highly skilled work efforts, requiring a long education.
From the poorest most retarded blind crippled individual, to the countless poor addicted women of the night, the Brotherhood will reach out and actively find them… and as family will offer its help… and if it is wanted, will do what should be done, how it should be done, in ways that are truly beneficial for the long term. Where not one will be forgotten or left to the street, not if the brotherhood can help it… as family… whatever it takes. Because as family we have no choice but to care. That is what Jesus taught… Love and Compassion.
It is less important that we worship Jesus, and more important that all mankind begins the serious effort to be the best version of themselves that they can imagine, and when doing so, we instantly recognize Jesus as the shinning example for all mankind to follow, a manifestation of perfection in human form, without flaw or sin or evil and or negative traits… No one gets to heaven except by Jesus. Because he is ahead of all of us, literally, like a beacon in purgatory.
Someday, Jesus may return, and on that day, it would be much better if the kingdom of God was already built, and his throne polished and ready.
Founder : Mosheh Muhammed Al-faraj Thezion : Avatar General

The Empirical Church of Humanity .
Founder : Mosheh Muhammed Al-faraj Thezion
First : None of the beliefs of the church are fixed. I.E. the beliefs of the church are forever dependent on the abundant evidence from the sciences, and as such, will be ever evolving with the advancement and development of scientific knowledge. However, as founding principles on which to base our efforts, we take all theories as being the basic forms for proposals, which we as church members may consider in detail.

Second : Truth, and what a person chooses to believe in, as a whole or in part, is always a decision for the individual to make personally, and it is not the duty of the church to force or make assertive efforts to make people believe in anything other than a God.

Third : It is the duty of the church to make available all of the evidence as found by the sciences, and all the theoretical proposals developed to explain for all of it, as well as making available all forms of scripture, without bias, and over interpretation.

Fourth : There must be a standing rule against being fanatical in any way. For if an individual is incapable of calmly arguing and discussing the evidence and scripture in an open forum, where any number of opposing views maybe discussed, then eventually fights and hurt feeling will develop, and such negative behavior benefits no one.

Fifth : People who chose to join this church do so with the understanding that they need not give up on any specific faith which they may already have, as it is the effort of the church to strengthen ones faith, not change and alter it, and we do so with evidence.

Sixth : It is the serious open and daily effort of the church to pursue science and do the research, which the individual members of individuals church groups choose to pursue. All in the effort to develop our understanding, and advance our technology, for in doing so we not only increase our understanding of Gods creation, but increase our human potential as living beings… allowing us to manipulate our environment and daily lives.

Seventh : The church is fundamentally founded on one belief that should be acceptable to people of all faiths and cultures. "Where there is charity and love, God is there!"
Such that it should be the daily effort of all humanity to, by their will and effort commit acts of charity and love when ever possible, for in doing so we increase the level of good and joy and prosperity in our world, and so, it can be imagined that the level of Gods presence is directly increased, and is thus directly a function of our will to be Godly.

Eighth : The day to day operations and efforts of focused study will be divided into the 7 days of the week. Where Islam may be studied on Friday, Judaism on Saturday, and Christianity on Sunday, with Metaphysics on Monday, and Hinduism on Tuesday, Buddhism on Wednesday, and perhaps Taoism on Thursday. Of course such schedules will be up to the individual members of individual group churches. However, the study of science and efforts in research are to be incorporated 7 days a week, and 24 hours a day.

Ninth : The effort to interpret and consider the many varied scriptures will and must always be weighted and considered against the evidence, and it’s proposals. With the understanding that our interpretation of the evidence may in fact be flawed or wrong.

Tenth : The study of scriptures must always be from the oldest to the newest, as we can interpret the New Testament using the scripture of the Old Testament, but we should not use New Testament scripture to interpret the Old Testament. For as is logical, the newer scripture was inspired by the old and as the old was written long before the new, its inspiration must of come from still earlier scriptures etc. And so, when we endeavor to study scripture it is only reasonable that we approach all the abundant scripture in the same pattern in which it was written. From oldest to newest…

Eleventh : In the daily study of scriptures, it is only logical that we endeavor to take notes and make summaries, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, where by we seek to see patterns in the discussion, and can thus be sure of our proposed interpretations. It is thus the duty of those who run the church efforts to make these notes and summaries, which shall be critically considered by members who come to listen, and argue.

Twelfth : The church is divided into areas of effort. First in proportion to the available funds and man power, free housing and food for the homeless, under the conditions that such downtrodden persons turn not to a religion, but to a faith in themselves. A faith, which tells each of us that, we are capable of being so much more than we may presently be. When one human falls, humanity in brother-hood should be there to help them up again. Then a discussion hall of needed size, then a library/ laboratory for member use.

Thirteen : The laboratory efforts are to be taken in the most serious of views, as the potential for danger and accidental stupidity is possible. Therefore, only adults of sound mind shall be given access to the lab facilities, at the church leaders discretion.

Fourteen : On each of the seven days, an open forum of discussion will be held on the desired topic or form of scripture and or faith. Church leaders will lecture on notes and summaries made, yet it will and must be an open forum, to be peacefully and calmly organized by the church leaders, where by any member who wishes to speak shall and must be granted a time to speak as is needed, within a time limit to allow for arguments.

Fifteen : If the resources and manpower are available then another church area of effort will be made as an entire school, or possibly as a rehabilitation program, available to all people who would enjoy and make use of a supplementary education in science and the pursuit of serious research. Or who are in need of serious rehabilitation.

Sixteen : Individuals who might join the brotherhood area of the church, as someone in need, maybe given employment directly from the church, as commissioned salesmen of the many booklets developed. When possible as farmers and laborers in the many humanitarian efforts which the church may pursue, as a whole, or in part as individual groups and persons. However, volunteerism is one with the concepts of a brother-hood of humanity, where in, the rewards come from our accomplishments, not profits.

Seventeen : It is the effort of the church leaders to develop further works for publication, being ideally, focused analysis of the many varied scriptures in relation to the abundant evidence of the sciences.

Eighteen : No chemistry laboratory experiments are to be permitted without the strict supervision of church leaders and the advice of professional chemists, as chemistry is not something to just play around with.

Nineteen : Every church must strive to establish the most comprehensive library possible for use as reference material for its branch members, in their daily pursuit of understanding nature and Gods creation, and so science.
This library should be open to all, yet books should never be checked out.

Twenty : In order to facilitate the survival of the church, all people who would enter the doors to make use of the church and forums, should donate at least one dollar per visit. Children and the poor being of course exempt.

Twenty one : While the church does not promote a specific faith as scripture, it does with an assertive effort strive to convert atheists, for the main argument of the un-believers is regarding the evidence and how they believe that it does not support a belief in a God. And so, it is the duty of the church leaders to take the steps to calmly argue with those atheists who may be open minded enough to make an honest effort to hear our proposals.
Proposals based fundamentally in evidence, described by theory.!

Twenty two : One of the founding beliefs of the church, is that God as presented in scripture doesn’t need or demand our worship, God asks us to obey. To obey as children should obey their parent. And it is the bulk of scripture, which serves as the arguments for why individuals should obey. As should be obvious, if an individual lives a life of sin, then no amount of worship and prayer can make up for it. The only way to make up for sins is by serious acts of charity and love. Acts which may improve a souls overall quality.

Twenty three : One of the founding beliefs of the church is that it is not enough to worship God and Jesus, instead we as human beings should make it our daily effort to be Godly, to be like Jesus, and build Gods kingdom now, in our lifetime. Why wait? Calm, rational, adult thinking gives humankind a potential limited only by our imagination.